Bargaining Update 1/18/2019
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Bargaining Update 1/18/2019

USEP Reaches Settlement for SRP, Declares Impasse for Instructional Unit!

Bargaining teams from USEP and the District met again last night and moved the process forward – settling one contract and moving the other to the “impasse” process. The details are:

School Related Personnel (SRP)
We have settled this contract for the 2018-2019 school year! After 13 bargaining sessions, the Union agreed to an across-the-board salary increase of 2.0% for all SRP retroactive to July 1, 2018. This increase amounted to $1,320,700 additional payroll for the District. In addition to this increase, the Union and District identified several other job categories to increase beyond the 2.0% and these include Custodians, FNS Assistants and Production Assistants, Lunchroom Monitors, Child Care Assistants and Classroom Assistants, Registrars, Transportation Assistants, Early Childhood Health Assistants, Early Head Start Caregivers and Early Head Start Lead Caregivers. The agreement added another $423,809 to these categories.

In terms of contract language, the parties modified the SRP Evaluation process, eliminated the requirement for SRP to cite (1) of (4) reasons to take a Personal Day (now they will only state the day is not for recreational purposes like the Instructional Contract) and added (1) day, from 2 to 3, for SRP serving on the District SRP of the Year Committee, to be released from normal duty to perform the work needed on this committee.

Now the contract will be put to all SRP for review and ratification! Great work by our dedicated SRP Bargaining Committee!!

Last night, after months of ongoing bargaining discussion, it became apparent that the District and USEP have reached the point at which further movement on essential contract language is unlikely. As such, USEP declared Impasse for the Instructional unit.

The USEP Instructional team presented final counter proposals on unresolved contract language in a good faith effort to reach settlement. USEP also made one last attempt to reach agreement on economics, meeting the District’s two percent (2%) offer but insisting that the share system by which salary improvements are calculated be improved to ensure teachers with more experience would not be disadvantaged. The District failed to respond to any of the items remaining on the table and gave no significant indication that they would be returning with further compromise.

Some of the Instructional Master Contract’s most critical language is in dispute–Evaluation, Involuntary Transfer, Reduction In Force, Differentiated Accountability Schools, and Economics will all be included in the Impasse process. Proposals that will be brought before a special magistrate—and potentially the School Board—can be viewed on the USEP and District websites.

As the Instructional unit enters Impasse, it is important to be clear about what we are fighting for: a respectful contract with clear, fair, and known working conditions. Representatives of the Instructional unit who have volunteered their time and expertise to this year’s bargaining process unanimously agreed that the move to Impasse was necessary.

An explanation of the Impasse process is accessible on the USEP website, and staff will be working with our building representatives to provide information and updates along the way. Be sure to follow the United School Employees of Pasco on Facebook and be diligent about reviewing USEP communications in the days ahead.

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If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.